Hey everyone, title pretty much says it all.

I’ve managed to snag a set of keybinds that works for me, played around in Arena Commander offline. I’m hooked, had a ton of fun but I feel like my arms are sore from cranking the sticks so much.

Really looking for advice pertaining to ergonomic setups, like what kind of mounts should I grab. I have two Gladiator NXT EVOs, both the left and right hand versions. I didn’t buy anything else though, as I wasn’t that impulsive, so currently it’s unmounted and I’m just rolling with it.

On top of those recommendations, specific guides on how to get better at combat would be good. I’m open to buying other space flight sims as well, if it would be easier to practice there (ideally I’d like to stick to Star Citizen).

My main fear is trying to hop into the main game and getting my shit rocked, losing what little resources I have trying to learn how to not crash. I tried it a little bit, managed to get my first ship impounded lol. If anyone has tips on ensuring I can ping the hangars correctly I would greatly appreciate that as well.

Sorry for the word vomit, still very new to space sims/flying sims in general. Not really sure how to word what I’m asking. Thanks to anyone that takes the time to read and answer!

  • JaxOP
    10 months ago

    Thank you very much for your response!

    I’ll give the resources you’ve provided a better look tomorrow when I’m not so tired.

    How friendly are people in this game? Is it actually common to receive help from other players like that? I know I’ve seen some players doing things like stowing away and robbing players, is that something that I need to worry about?

    I believe I did go through a portion of the tutorial, but it seemed like it got bugged when it pointed me towards leaving the city. Apparently flying into orbit isn’t enough, and I couldn’t really figure out how to trigger the next part of the tutorial. That was when I got my ship impounded, as I’d given up to go to bed and rushed into a hangar after spamming the hangar request (I think you’re correct about it being bound to N, I’m still learning keybinds so it’s kind of overwhelming and I’m not sure I can trust my memory without looking in game).

    I didn’t realize that the game wiped, that does make me feel a bit better about losing resources. I know this game has had a very long development cycle, how often are major updates/wipes?

    Sorry to blast you with even more questions, I do appreciate the direction you’ve already pointed me in. Thank you again!

    • DeepThought42@lemmy.world
      10 months ago

      How friendly are people in this game?

      It’s a mixed bag, but most are reasonably friendly or at least not outright hostile.

      Is it actually common to receive help from other players like that?

      Depends on the request, but I’d say it’s reasonably common.

      I know I’ve seen some players doing things like stowing away and robbing players, is that something that I need to worry about?

      Yes. Just take reasonable precautions and you should be OK. There will always be the potential to be ganked and/or robbed by other players. Just keep your wits about you and keep an eye out for players doing unusual things like following you in stations, loitering near ASOP terminals, hanging out near landing pads, etc. Also be cautious of players offering exorbitant payouts for medical beacons or using medical beacons excessively. It’s a sign they may be trying to lure others into a trap. I generally recommend not equipping your character with something you don’t really need for whatever mission/activity you are trying to do. Using mostly looted gear will at least mitigate any loss should you be robbed or just die as a result of a game bug and your body becomes unrecoverable, which in my experience is the more common occurrence.

      I know this game has had a very long development cycle, how often are major updates/wipes?

      There’s usually major new build in the LIVE channel once a quarter, but it’s not always on time. Also, they will sometimes extend a particular patch cycle if the changes in the build under development/testing is particularly complex and/or problematic such as was the case with the 3.18 build. FYI: Wipes aren’t always full. The most recent LIVE build they wiped only currency (aUEC) and, of course, the non-permanent inventory items (medpens, ammo, sustenance items, etc.). Everything else including personal weapons, armor, ships, and components were carried over via Long Term Persistence (LTP).

      There’s a 3.23.2 build coming soon-ish (hopefully) with some fairly significant updates, so I wouldn’t be surprised if they do a partial wipe then again. But usually with .x patches they don’t do full wipes. They just reset characters and your home location. Your inventory will retained via LTP as will be your money.

      There will almost certainly be a wipe with 4.0 planned for later this year. The extent of that wipe isn’t known yet. CIG will usually announce before they release the build to LIVE, but it’s going to be a big patch with lots of changes, so I wouldn’t be surprised if they do a full wipe then.