Hi everyone! A bit over a month ago I made a survey about Solarpunk and shared it here. Now, I finally present you the findings of the survey! I am adding a few pics here for a preview and if you are interested, go check the link where there is a full description of the findings!!

full findings: https://thesolarpunksurvey2024.carrd.co/

  • @OnlyTakesLs
    030 days ago

    I guess solarpunk is more about communism than I thought. I still agree with the ecological aspects, hell I drive an older prius, but I wont label myself as part of the solarpunk group. God I hate tankies infesting everything.

    • @[email protected]
      1730 days ago

      Not all communists are tankies. I understand many people (especially Americans) assume that connection because of the cold war era propaganda. However, many self identified communists have no respect or admiration for authoritarian states like China or the USSR.

      & I think solarpunk tends to draw in communists, anarchists, libertarians and other radical views. To create a significant change in how humans relate to the environment around us, we would also likely need a significant change in how we relate to eachother. This means some sort of change to our modern system of profit based sucess (i.e. modern capitalism).

    • @[email protected]
      1530 days ago

      Huh? Where are you meeting tankies in this movement? I’ve found it quite hostile to tankies which is saying something since there’s a lot of them here on Lemmy.

    • @[email protected]
      1330 days ago

      Anti-capitalism doesn’t necessarily means communism. Note that both decentralization and anti-statism also score pretty high.

      I hate tankies too but they do not represent the entirety of the anticapitalist movement.