• @sugar_in_your_tea
    01 month ago

    Um, they moderate one community, one for Long Beach, CA. They’re probably American, or at least living in America.

    I doubt they’re Russian…

    I’m American and voted for Biden last election, and I can honestly say he sucks. I’ll be voting third party this election because my vote doesn’t matter in my state anyway. Biden did what I wanted: he wasn’t Trump and he got us out of Afghanistan. Pretty much everything else was bad. But he’s looking more and more like Trump now with the high tariffs on China and whatnot, so I’ll get my “not Trump” fix somewhere else.

      • @sugar_in_your_tea
        01 month ago

        Wait, I’m a tankie now? I’m like… the exact opposite. I’m a libertarian who gets into a lot of arguments tankies here, to the point where i generally avoid lemmy.ml because it’s a cesspool imo.