I have just made this quick fork of the sentence generator from the useful generators page and released it as a new Small Generator on my Generator Manager. And on this I’ve added a mechanism that replaces certain words on the generated sentence with a different one pulled from a bunch of other useful generators (i.e. you might get the same sentence structure set at the end but with different words instead of getting the same sentence with the same set of words sometimes). This often creates sentences that look nonsense to some people, though, such as Title in the corner to find the uneven shirt.

This might not be the only generator I’ll make before this month ends. 🙂 Though let me know if new sets of sentences have been added to the original generator so I can add them to this generator.

Not mentioned: There was a typo I found in line 502 of the original generator, but I’ve corrected it on this remix of the generator.


Alsoooo, there’s a small reference to my upcoming 2nd anniversary special in the generator. This one might be easy to find…

  • BluePowerOP
    7 months ago

    @[email protected] Just saw a typo in the sentence generator! Also, if the generator has somehow been updated with new sentences or so, please let me know so I can add them into my generator.