Hi everyone,

Having successfully left windows for Linux (Fedora) a few years ago, I thought I’d the same for my phone.

I have a professional iPhone 13 provided by my employer, but I have an old Samsung GT-I8730 lying around.

Sadly, there is apparently nothing (except stock Android) that I could easily install on it.

So I’m kind of looking for a cheap second hand phone that I could get for my birthday in order to try to have a degoogled and deappleified private phone (I’m now using my work iPhone for everything).

What phone should I buy for max 150.- (around 180$) second hand?

Also what OS should I try to install on it?

To be honest, I’m really a rookie in the phone world and I’m not even sure if I’m looking for a degoogled Android phone (/e/os, lineage, graphene) or a linux phone (Ubuntu touch, KDE mobile).

It would be important for me to be able to daily drive the phone. Listening to music and using my banking apps on it would be important features.

So I’m looking for advice regarding all of this and I’m thankful in advance for your help.

  • Beaver
    51 month ago

    I bought my pixel 3axl for $105 and threw Ubuntu Touch on there.

    • Dariusmiles2123OP
      225 days ago

      When you do such a thing and install a Linux mobile distro on it, does the End Of Life aspect of the phone still is a problem?

      • Beaver
        125 days ago

        Not as long as the parts keep working. When you install Linux distros it extends the years of support given to a device.

        • Dariusmiles2123OP
          225 days ago

          Okay thanks as I wouldn’t want to put cash in a device (even a cheap one) I’d only be able to use for a few years.