• @[email protected]
    -11 month ago

    Shovelware? That’s a new term for me… Is that what they call the games made in Roblox and the like?

    • @[email protected]
      101 month ago

      Shovelware means games that are really low quality that some studios spam to try and get any money with little effort. Like garbage free to play games on mobile.

      • Draconic NEO
        11 month ago

        Also asset flips too (when you buy assets to make a game and slap them together with no effort and sell it as a game).

    • Captain Aggravated
      31 month ago

      You know those cheap Disney ripoff movies? Like Finding Nemo comes out and then anyone with a copy of Blender and a few hundred bucks to spend on distribution starts selling “The Little Lost Fish?” The video game equivalent of that is called shovelware.