• FaceDeer
    21 month ago

    And that’s why all those paralyzed people should just sit in their chairs and wait for eventual death, I guess.

    Seriously, just don’t get one if you think they’re so awful.

    • @Croquette
      71 month ago

      The issue is not the tech, it’s how it is developed and tested, and the terrible track record of the mega corpos.

      Just like AI, the tech itself is great, but corpos turn it into a pile of shit for the money.

      It won’t be different this time around with daddy Musk.

      • FaceDeer
        -61 month ago

        Yeah, things would be going so much better if garage hobbyists were developing these brain implants instead.

        • @Croquette
          61 month ago

          Yeah because it’s either a socipath billionaire or a dusty garage hobbyist. Nothing in between.

          At the very least, the garage hobbyist has more chance to be a more ethical person.

          • FaceDeer
            -41 month ago

            One of the common arguments I hear against technological advancement is “but what if some sociopath brews up a pandemic virus in their garage!”

            The FDA is monitoring the corporations that are working on this sort of thing. As is mentioned in the title of this thread.