The bill is the second in the span of a week to attack the rights of LGBTQ+ Louisianans, following a trans bathroom ban.

Archived version:

  • candyman337
    111 month ago

    As someone who is in Louisiana, a.majority of the population here does not want this shit, gerrymandering here means that the politicians don’t actually represent the population.

    • @[email protected]
      31 month ago

      I’m so glad Latoya is galavanting around Europe or getting shit faced in the quarter instead of ever doing anything for new Orleans or the people

    • Bakkoda
      21 month ago

      I get upset even i see nyc politics affecting upstate but it’s honestly usually just an inconvenience. I see Southern politics and how far away it is from what most people in the South want it blows my mind. I just cannot grasp it and I’m also terrified because it’s crawling and creeping everywhere. Full on lack of representation.