I’m not sure if this is the right community for this question, but it says “no stupid question” so here goes. I’m an Israeli who now lives in the US, but I am considering permanently residing in the US or elsewhere (perhaps somewhere in Europe or Canada) because I’ve become kinda disillusioned with Israel for a variety of reasons (the war in Gaza being one of them, the erosion of democracy by Likud being another, and etc) but is that cowardly to leave? Should I go back and try to change society or should I just leave for good? Thanks for your time.

  • Captain Aggravated
    41 month ago

    Explain to me what you think you, an individual, would do to “change society” in Israel?

      • Captain Aggravated
        230 days ago

        would whatever you do as an individual have more of an effect than simply not paying Israeli taxes?

        • @[email protected]
          30 days ago

          In the grand scheme of things, not paying taxes is also a pretty miniscule thing. The US funding for Israel is pretty big though. If they needed more weapons that your tax dollars would have paid for, I’d guess the tax dollars you paid in the US would go to the same place. I guess the alternative is to live in not-US and not-Israel. But either way, I think the US would just fork up more money anyway.

          But the main point I’m making is, bad people will find a way to do bad things. The best way to eliminate bad people is to change their minds.