Update on the issue (and the solution)

It seems like a possible solution (at least to me) is to probably avoid having a generator tab open with so many comment frames at once, as they’re constantly filling up the whole TCP connection with requests for listening for new comments every time, which is what’s causing the “stalled” problem every time I load and save generators.

See this comment for a reference.

Update 1: Now I’ve just sort of reproduced this by opening the Comments Plugin tab while one of my generators is saving, and then after the tab is being open and then closed, the saving process just stalled out of nowhere.

Recently I was hit by the problem where the saving process just stuck in the background, and when I checked the DevTools Network, there’s a lot of stalled connections when fetching a few resources required for the generator page to fully load. The stall eventually ends for a short time (1-30 min), but sometimes even longer (30-60 minutes), and even after that, it’s either still hangs on “saving” whatsoever, or it rolls back to the perviously “unsaved” state.

I also got the problem with loading generators too, where it hangs very frequently now, for the same reason, except that I sometimes get an ERR_QUIC_PROTOCOL_ERROR from the console whenever the generator fails to load after the stalled connections.

Is this maybe just because of the internet connection, my browser, or probably the “cache-busting” issue in the end? I tried logging into my other browser (Firefox) and saving the same generator and found no issues. It also loads generators perfectly fine.

  • BluePowerOP
    24 days ago

    Okay, so I got some more reports today. I woke up and opened my browser with a tab heading to the Comments Plugin page, with all the comments sections already loaded up. Then, I opened my Generator Manager, and it loaded just as usual, but when I saved it, it took a really long time, up to around 30 minutes, with usual long-stalling requests initiated by the /api/cv request. It even spit out a Couldn't get generator dependencies error midway. I left only the Comments Plugin tab and the Generator Manager tab open for the rest of the time in the same browser while doing some outside work.

    After trying to save it again after a couple of minutes though, it did save pretty well.

    Update: Now, almost every time I opened and saved my Generator Manager, the other generators I’ve opened seems to start loading for a very long time, while the saving requests from the generator hub page also clogs out of nowhere. It’s in the 30-minute mark again.

    • BluePowerOP
      18 days ago

      Update again: There are some cases where the generator stalls at loading for an even longer time, from 40 minutes to almost an hour. The initial page load wasn’t stalled, only the generator load after the perchance framework was loaded.

      As shown in the screenshot below, I only left one other Perchance generator instance open and active during this period of time.