I am going to make my purchase this Wednesday. And a late addition to the fold is an electric scooter.

Now why I am considering an electric scooter, is I live in Vancouver’s downtown east side. It’s basically where hopes and dreams go to die. so It’s not the nicest neighborhood. and I am worried about theft. a scooter would be alot more easily secured. I could basically take it inside with me wherever I go. And it’s alot easier to take it on transit. Plus the ones I’m looking at have a supposed range or 60+ Km’s but even if I only got half that It would be good.

The only downside is no swappable battery which you get with most e-bikes.

So which would you choose? e-bike or scooter?

  • _haha_oh_wow_M
    10 months ago

    I would totally ride one of these if I were invincible, they seem fun as hell.