Please keep it civil.

  • MomoTimeToDie
    1 year ago

    I feel like a lot of people didn’t play enough pokemon as a kid to have some words of wisdom carved into their brains “There’s a time and place for everything, but not now”. Like there’s absolutely a time and place for discussions over social politics. it isn’t omnipresent

    • Shit
      1 year ago

      Everything everywhere being culture war gets annoying really quickly. I feel like it was way easier to ignore a decade ago or talk though the issue. I also think the country is so divided and every culture/social issue gets turned into a wedge issue.

      There’s no way to even have productive conversations anymore without weird political purity tests from all sides.

      I wish there was a way to get more cross political solitary. We could get so much done as a country. I feel like most people want the same things at the end of the day.

      Like I love guns and gun things but most gun people and gun talk on the internet and in meat space is just weird culture war stuff. I should be able to go to the gun range without having to talk about or pass some weird political purity test… It’s just so off-putting. I want to shoot my guns not listen to someone’s feelings about children’s gentiles…

      Also I think if the gun community was more inviting people could have proper discussions on things like background checks or how to regulate guns or whatever without it turning into ban extended magazines or ban x because x… More nuance is needed by all sides but it’s hard to do when everyone just screams at each other.

      Everyone is in bubbles it’s really bad for society.

      I think people are really bad at judging what the other side believes or thinks.

      Anyways I hope we don’t have a civil war it will be really bad and bloody… We need a release valve.

      • Shit
        1 year ago

        And on guns, I don’t understand why people with the strongest feelings on not regulating guns are also people who do not own guns in my personal experience… It’s really weird to me.