• @Lucidlethargy
    81 month ago

    Every vote counts to some degree. The more votes against Trump, the better chance we have to point out how many sane people we have in this country.

    It’s not always just about winning the electoral college. I don’t believe the pyyric victory created by tossing your vote away for a third party is at all what you think it might be.

    • @[email protected]
      1 month ago

      Every vote counts

      Literally they don’t…

      The more votes against Trump, the better chance we have to point out how many sane people we have in this country.

      The more votes for Biden, the more likely the next candidate the party picks is more conservative than voters want, and nothing changes.

      I can’t oppose trump without supporting a genocide…

      And I’m just not going to compromise on that.

      Just like Biden and the DNC won’t compromise with people who don’t want a genocide.

      Why do you think it’s easier to change millions and millions of voters minds than Joe Biden?

      You have to think it’s substantial easier, otherwise I’d think you’d be trying to change Biden’s mind since that comes with not funding a fucking genocide.

      So I really want to know why you’re spending so much time telling people Biden would rather have trump in office than stop a genocide, and why that makes Biden someone I should vote into office.