A new study by Léger has assessed Canadians’ perceptions on the Loblaws boycott, which is currently underway over claims of greedflation.

  • @[email protected]
    61 month ago

    Do y’all not have small business options? I buy 90% of my groceries from the corner shop across the street from my apartment building. They sell milk, bread, noodles, coffee, eggs, sauces, and a handful of different kinds of produce. I only need to shop at Loblaws once every few months to pick up the stuff I can’t get across the street. I know the owner, he’s a cool dude. He resists raising prices until the wholesalers raise their prices on him and he has no choice but to do it.

    • @[email protected]
      151 month ago

      And where do you live? Because, no, most places don’t have small corner shops that sell much more than smokes and chips.

      And even most of those have been replaced by gas stations that are not just down the block.

    • Jessie
      81 month ago

      many people live in the suburbs which are not mixed zone areas; hence most stock up at supermarkets etc since getting there can be a 15-30 minute drive, let alone walking/biking.

      • @[email protected]
        1 month ago

        Yeah I’m well aware. Loblaws and the other big box places are the beneficiaries of the downfall of our cities and productive urban places (a downfall which was engineered by big oil). I’m just surprised that people who are desperate to boycott places they disagree with are only able to go to other evil corpos.