• Eeyore_Syndrome
    4 months ago

    Um actually…

    According to the DSM V, it’s Autism Spectrum now.

    Asperger’s was deleted, update your save file.

    This whole sub should rename itself.

    That’s also why I was not diagnosed. It was ~2013 and my psychiatrist said insurance wouldn’t cover it?!? Lol American healthcare system ™.

    I’m a fan of reading books and making my own growth that way.

    Was a good one imo.

    I really don’t look at people in the eyes. It hurts my being. Not even my father’s eyes as he was telling me he was dying from brain cancer.

    I recommend learning to look through people.

    As I tell my therapist, I am hard coded to dissociate/depersonalize if I’m forced to look people in the eyes.

    Only my cats get to.

    Make sense of the world?

    This is end stage capitalism. A really bad Civilization game -.- .

    If you have already broken out of the average person bubble of blissful consumerism ignorance then I don’t have any advice either :(