I personally use libera.chat because it’s the most active IRC server out there. is there any other active servers? I found this website to search for different IRC servers https://netsplit.de/networks/

    • whoareuOP
      529 days ago

      well it’s really easy.

      • just go to https://libera.chat
      • then press connect
      • now press webchat
      • bam you are connected to server and now can chat about your favourite topic :D
        • whoareuOP
          329 days ago

          you can make an account there however you can also use it without an account.

          Here are 5 android client: AndroIRC: This is a popular IRC client for Android with a clean and user-friendly interface. It supports multiple servers, SSL connections, and various customization options.

          Revolution IRC Client: Revolution IRC is another feature-rich IRC client for Android. It offers support for multiple servers, customizable themes, and various features like notifications and chat logging.

          Yaaic (Yet Another Android IRC Client): Yaaic is a free, open-source IRC client for Android. It provides a clean and intuitive interface and supports features like multiple servers, SSL connections, and customizable themes.

          HoloIRC: HoloIRC is known for its sleek and modern interface. It supports multiple servers, SSL connections, and features like notifications and chat logging.

          AndChat: AndChat is a popular IRC client with a wide range of features, including multiple server connections, SSL support, customizable themes, and more.

          • @rocky1138
            329 days ago

            I like thelounge as a client since I can access it anywhere in the world and it stays connected when I’m not on it so I don’t miss any messages or have to log in each time.

        • @[email protected]
          229 days ago

          IRC is open. If you aren’t around, someone can join the server using your nickname, so IRC services were created to help combat this. Some networks use other services, but mainly there’s NickServ which you setup an account with to register your nick. If anyone tries to impersonate you, NickServ will do bad things to the imposter

        • @rocky1138
          129 days ago

          Keep in mind that libera chat is just one server. If you hop on some other server you will get different channels (rooms) and people. I’m on a few including libera chat, sdf.org, and AfterNET.

    • @[email protected]
      129 days ago

      IRC is an open standard. No one owns it, so anyone can make a client. Discord, is locked down and proprietary. One of the benefits of this is that they can onboard users with a refined experience. IRC requires newcomers to do a bit of homework to choose an IRC client and choose a network/server.