• @ZwoofBlaf
    25 days ago

    Oh interesting. I’m also a cis hetero male but very feminist and a bit queer.

    For me I’ve never had this push to be masculine since I was young. I would never have been able to fit in in the army or another toxic masculine organisation. Or even being barked orders at, I could not deal with that. I’ve never been capable of being a “team player”. But I have always been OK with being different. But I was not aware of this movement. I will read more about it.

    • @[email protected]
      225 days ago

      Always glad to spread the idea. And it’s about more than personal masculinity, it’s about looking at the rules society puts around men too. Much like we’re trying to break the stereotypes around women in Feminism, Men’s liberation does that for us.

      • @[email protected]
        26 days ago

        Just wanted to bandwagon and thank you also. This is basically what I believe and espouse but now I know there’s a broader term! Much appreciated!