Please keep it civil.

  • @sanpedropeddler
    11 year ago

    I agree that its ideal, but how would you even do that? Its so engrained into peoples’ brains that I doubt it could even happen unless the vast majority of people agreed to not teach the concept to their children.

    • @MomoTimeToDie
      -11 year ago

      Same way any social progress is made: gradually change people’s opinions

      • @sanpedropeddler
        01 year ago

        I don’t think you understand how difficult it would be to coordinate that. Is it even possible for a person to unlearn gender entirely? If so, would they even want to? Maybe you could succeed in convincing people its a good idea, but could you convince them to actually do it? If this were to happen it would have to span multiple generations. How do you convince someone not to teach their child something so integral to being a productive member of this society? People struggle to use the correct pronouns for people already, do you really think they could live with the abolishment of gendered pronouns as a whole? Gendered pronouns help differentiate between people in a conversation without having to say their name. “George and Sally raced but she was faster than him.” This sentence doesn’t make sense without gendered pronouns. “George and Sally raced but they were faster than them.” This is a monumental change to how the entire world works. It will not happen by simply changing people’s opinions. A good middle ground might be severing the connection gender has with sex, and simply using gender as a way to differentiate people. Although, it’s not like this would be easy either.