• @[email protected]
    27 days ago

    I don’t know, it seems pretty simple nowadays. Are you a cunt who gives a shit about whether dudes want to bang dudes or dress like chicks? Do you wish to oppress brown or black people, like on purpose, in an exertive manner? Are you trying to subjugate women? Do you long for a country in which the rule of law is taken directly from fairy tales? Are you trying to institutionally establish a single in-group and several out-groups? You’re a fucking fascist, you deserve to have your shit kicked in.

    • Semi-Hemi-Lemmygod
      3727 days ago

      They explain all these away as not that bad, or not what they want. Some examples:

      Are you a cunt who gives a shit about whether dudes want to bang dudes or dress like chicks?

      Conservative: No, I am for traditional gender roles and family values

      Do you wish to oppress brown or black people, like on purpose, in an exertive manner?

      Conservative: No, I just think that people should stay with their own kind.

      Are you trying to subjugate women?

      Conservative: No, I am for traditional gender roles and family values

      Do you long for a country in which the rule of law is taken directly from fairy tales?

      Conservatives: The US is a christian nation which means our laws should be based on the Bible

      They’re going to weasel out of it, not just to stop discussion but also because it makes them feel bad that this is the outcome of their politics.

      • @[email protected]
        27 days ago

        Have you seen this YouTube video of some black teenagers robbing a Guche bag store? Did you not learn about the immigrants with leprosy? Have you seen what they’re posting on Nextdoor?!! Drag queens are invading libraries and trying to turn these kindergartners gay, and this based traditional father isn’t going to take it anymore.

        They spit on our veterans! They want to have sex with dogs! They are becoming radicalized by Shari Law and turning the big cities into No Go Zones with their Ground Zero Mosques! They are PERSECUTING CHRISTIANS LIKE IN THE BIBLE!

        I saw it on Newsmax. They’re the only ones reporting on what’s in the vaccines.

        Why aren’t you taking this seriously? Is it because of TikTok? Have the Chinese made you Woke?

        • @[email protected]
          1427 days ago

          That’s pretty on point. A lot of normal-brained people can’t comprehend the mind of the rightoid, but this is pitch-perfect.

        • @[email protected]
          1027 days ago

          Man… I am 69% sure this is top-shelf trolling to illustrate the evils of conservatism. But, I am genuinely not sure. If this is a troll, it’s very well done.

          • @rambling_lunatic
            1127 days ago

            Check his post history. He is indeed being sarcastic. Sadly not all of his sarcasm gets interpreted as such.

      • @[email protected]
        327 days ago

        Well most of those excuses are just reframing the initial thing to sound better. They’re all just “yes, but I don’t like you saying it like that.”

    • @[email protected]
      1227 days ago

      you deserve to have your shit kicked in.

      But you won’t, because you’re ensconced behind an increasingly large and heavily armed mob of cops