• @[email protected]
    3119 days ago

    Get up at 6. Work will 6. 1hr to make dinner. 2 hrs awake with wife. Go to bed at 9. Wake up at 530 and cry for 30 min.

    Rerpeat adinfinium until i finally die. This is no way to live.

    • @[email protected]
      19 days ago

      This is no way to live.

      I wonder what would happen if everyone who felt this way all at once just decided to stop. All at once, everyone turns around and goes home. How many people would it be? Half? 3/4? Most of them?

      We almost got to experience a change when Covid hit, the only bright spot, but it was soon eclipsed by corporate buzzwords and inspirational music montages on powerpoint telling us how happy we are to return to offices and ten hours of driving and 1/8 of our paycheck on gas every goddamn week so we can sit in a visible place while we waste time reading emails that don’t pertain to us and attending meetings about initiatives that are meant only to make the shareholders think we’re doing something.

      Shareholders who attend the meetings via Zoom at that.

      • @[email protected]
        819 days ago

        I’m working towards just this, not a tent necessarily but a very small house/shack, gonna get some dogs and chickens and probably work at a local grocery or do art until I die.

        I am not making much progress. I wonder who tf is buying houses.

      • @[email protected]
        719 days ago

        You could afford to work part time remotely

        If you’re a professional that even has that option. Factory workers and blue collar schmucks like myself are chained to a radius around available work :(

          • @[email protected]
            17 days ago

            The point is to work less not avoid work completely. I’m unable to work 100% remotely for the time being, rural internet is still a joke most places.

            I’m just saying it’s not so simple and still requires an incredible amount of work, saving, and sacrifice to “just retire to an acre and get some chickens.”