I started to use Linux Mint on my VM, however it seems like it uses a different channel for packages, which means I get some outdated packages such as D compilers, which makes me unable to compile my programs.

While the D compilers have some userspace installer scripts, they’re userspace only, meaning they need initialization scripts, which only work until the end of the given shell instance, which makes it particularly hard to use in certain contexts.

Is there some “untested” or similar branch to get some newer stuff? The compilers don’t seem to interfere with anything system level, so it should be fine.

  • @coffee_poops
    321 days ago

    Just add a repository with the updated packages and then update them. iirc Mint is Debian based? There’s probably an apt repo you can add.

    • @[email protected]
      421 days ago

      Ubuntu based, yes. Completely slipped my mind. OP, if there is a repo, this is probably the easiest solution.