Fucking amazing its come to states having to pass laws that exist at the federal level.

  • @[email protected]
    218 days ago

    The federal government is supposed to handle the migrants

    I still don’t know what law you’re talking about. Most of the people crossing the border are requesting asylum and doing so in compliance with the law

    • Amoxtli
      18 days ago

      I still don’t know what law you’re talking about. Most of the people crossing the border are requesting asylum and doing so in compliance with the law

      Most of the people crossing the border are requesting asylum and doing so in compliance with the law

      That is not the problem for the states or cities, that is the problem for the federal government. It is a federal policy, not a state, or city policy, so why are cities and states the de facto customs & border agency? Because the federal government fails in the duties it has given itself. You defeat your own argument.

      • @[email protected]
        118 days ago

        It sounds like you’re advocating increasing funding so the federal government can house all these people. Or maybe you’re advocating we let them have work.permits so they can house themselves, since they’re coming here looking for work anyway

    • @[email protected]
      117 days ago

      No, illegally immigrating is a seperate act from requesting asylum. They can request asylum at a port of entry. Any official border crossing will do.