• midway
    221 days ago

    It’s even simpler than that. Zero government assistance and actually crack down on employers who hire them. I mean seriously, $500K per illegal hire, then actually prosecute them for doing it. Self deportation is a thing. And fix citizenship rules to end citizenship based on location. At least one parent must be a citizen or at least a permanent resident. No anchor babies.

    Once you remove the main incentives to come here for strictly economic reasons, you can focus on folks like cartels and dangerous people because you won’t be overwhelmed by the rest.

    The problem is thar doing these things steps on too many political toes on both sides.

      • midway
        121 days ago

        Of course. This is a serious adult approach to it. Not what we’re doing now.

        Sadly there will be an amnesty at some point. I can see the Dems cutting a desk with Trump for a few billion dollars in wall funding in exchange for a ”one time” mass amnesty. I don’t trust that his ego wouldn’t take that deal.

        • realcaseyrollins
          221 days ago

          I would rather see amnesty than ICE going home by home breaking down doors and dragging away peaceful illegals, especially if they were brought to the country as children.

          But it’s all a bandaid on a chainsaw laceration if we’re not sealing up the border.

          • midway
            121 days ago

            The only place ICE will need to invade is job sites employing illegals. Take away their ability to obtain money and they won’t want to be here anymore.

              • midway
                221 days ago

                By ridding or at least drastically reducing the illegals who aren’t committing other crimes, you free up resources to go after the ones that are. I’m far less concerned about their doors being kicked down.

    • @[email protected]
      21 days ago

      My only objection to this would be children of immigrants who entered illegally where the child has grown and is a productive member of society.

      Just as you didn’t have a say in where you were born or grew up, neither did they so it doesn’t make to give them a punishment for a crime they did not commit.

      If they grew up as Americans, they should be treated as Americans and given citizenship status regardless of their parent’s status.

      Just one example of the compassion we should have in the process.

      • midway
        121 days ago

        They can leave and go through the normal process to come back.
        But I’m an admitted hard ass. The big problem is you can’t prove their story. You’ll get flooded with applicants just like we’re getting flooded with “asylum seekers” now.

        • @[email protected]
          20 days ago

          I dunno, we’ve had social media for a few decades now and mass surveillance for much longer. If they’re lying it wouldn’t be hard to prove.

          What you’re advocating for is a formality that our current justice system is way too overloaded to handle. Until we staff more judges specifically for immigration that will not be feasible and will only cause undue hardship.

          I get your thinking but with our current system where many have to wait a year or longer just for their day in court, no.