Today marks the one year anniversary of our humble little instance. It’s been an eventful year but, despite fate’s best efforts, we’re still here. So go us! (or boo us if you think we suck)

    • @threelonmusketeers
      321 days ago

      Are there public links to their matrix chat anywhere? Instances typically have them in the sidebar of their web interface, but in this case…

            • ᴇᴍᴘᴇʀᴏʀ 帝
              319 days ago

              Well is celebrating it’s first birthday, which wasn’t looking like a certainty for a while. We were pretty much at the point of no-return when the original Admin gave us access to everything so we could move it off to a new server. Since then we secured the financial future of the Instance and everything is bobbing along just fine.

              • @[email protected]
                319 days ago

                Oh, that’s cool. So you’re running it based on a cooperative or a nonprofit organization now? Same as we intend for , just that our admin isn’t reachable, and therefore we can’t transfer data. We’d have to start anew. Also, we don’t know yet which new hostname to choose.

                • ᴇᴍᴘᴇʀᴏʀ 帝
                  319 days ago

                  So you’re running it based on a cooperative or a nonprofit organization now?

                  I suppose a bit of both - it’s all funded through Open Collective and our first round of fundraising brought in enough to cover the year’s worth of hosting and domains with monthly donations topping it up (I wasn’t sure what to expect but everyone’s generosity exceeded it).

                  Same as we intend for , just that our admin isn’t reachable, and therefore we can’t transfer data.

                  That’s the position we were in but it does seem like they will pop up again, so the data isn’t gone.

                  If you want any help, hit us up on Matrix as it sounds like we’ve walked the path you are on.

                  Also, we don’t know yet which new hostname to choose.

                  Oh indeed - too many good names. We decided it by a quick show of hands on Matrix.

                  • @[email protected]
                    317 days ago

                    Hi, German guy from the matrix room here. The state of the art is that we made a poll about our new instance name (probably while being in contact with the Austrian, we plan an instance for the whole German-speaking area (Germany, Austria, Switzerland). Great to hear that we don’t walk alone, you’ll hear from us if there’s something new.

                    Btw. am I right that your annual server costs are £1,026?