I’d like to start a series seeking viewpoints from across the political spectrum in general discussions about modern society and where everyone stands on what is not working, what is working, and where we see things going in the future.

Please answer in good-faith and if you don’t consider yourself conservative or “to the right”, please reserve top-level discussion for those folks so it reaches the “right” folks haha.

Please don’t downvote respectful content that is merely contrary to your political sensibillities, lets have actual discourse and learn more about each other and our respective viewpoints.

Will be doing other sides soon but lets start with this and see where it takes us.

    • @mindbleach
      20 days ago

      ‘Conservative Christians are as bigoted right now as you think conservative Muslims would be.’

      ‘You’re in denial over how bigoted Muslims would be!’

      Sir, do you own a mirror?

        • @mindbleach
          20 days ago

          Contradiction in terms.

          The fact you’re obviously conflating an entire religion with Nazis is disgusting, and once again ignores that I am telling you, Christians already push some heinous shit in this country, to-day.

          Are you sure you want to talk about dogma versus practice? Are you sure you want to paint an entire demographic based on the loudest and most violent assholes among them? Because it’s not gonna go well for you, the self-professed conservative, no doubt aligned with quite a fucking lot of devout Christians who want my blood.

                • @mindbleach
                  20 days ago

                  No, answer the question. Do you still commit domestic violence? Questions can’t be wrong… apparently. There’s no possible way you expressed bigotry through the medium of analogy. So tell me if you still hit your wife.