• @Shit
    11 year ago

    😂 no thanks. Your the one making wild claims I never even said that learn to read better. I said no one in my direct family who received moderna has caught covid. I never said it was 100% effective.

    Have a blessed day nothing’s going to change your mind and frankly I don’t really care if you get vaccinated or not. I was just saying you are making things up.

    You have no sources outside of Facebook, rumble or some dotard on YouTube for anything anytime I ask you for a source on your claims…

    • @Shit
      11 year ago

      And frankly I’m pretty convinced you are not black, conservative or an American citizen who voted for Trump. Until a source can show me otherwise I am going to assume you are a poorly trained llama model at best.

      • @Shit
        11 months ago

        The Gateway Pundit (TGP) is an American far-right fake news website. The website is known for publishing falsehoods, hoaxes, and conspiracy theories. Also pihole blocks it. And your first link is about booster shots so not sure what you are trying to say other than you have trouble with reading comprehension due to the COVID…

        So anyways I’m pretty confident you are not black, a conservative or an American who voted for Trump. Until a source can show me otherwise I am going to assume you are a poorly trained llama model at best.

        Also here’s a link saying COVID causes cognitive decline or in simple people words makes people more dumb. It’s pretty fitting based on this discussion. https://www.thelancet.com/journals/eclinm/article/PIIS2589-5370(22)00147-X/fulltext

        Here’s some people discussing how COVID gives you brain damage go accost them. https://sh.itjust.works/post/1853996

        Anyways have a blessed day! Do better.

          • @Shit
            11 months ago

            Cool? Enjoy your brain damage.

              • @Shit
                111 months ago

                Herp derp. Enjoy being in a cult and your brain damage.

                Have a blessed day!