• @[email protected]OP
    123 days ago

    I’m in favour of teaching financial basics but, I think, the last thing these kids need is another test to take to graduate. Way back in the olden days of the 1980s there was a high school course that taught things like budgeting and investing and the power of compound interest. I forget what is was called - Consumer something or other

    • @[email protected]
      222 days ago

      By circa 1990, I believe the course was called Life Skills or something of that ilk, and was not mandatory. (I didn’t take it, although it would have been one hell of a lot more useful than PhysEd, I’m sure.) We did cover some related material in math classes at various points.

      Really, you coulld put this in elementary schools—none of it needs more than fourth-grade math. Basic arithmetic operations, percentages, decimal points.