With the number of people concerned about privacy, it is a wonder why chrome is even popular.

  • @plutolink
    611 months ago

    Thankfully, I’ve been about Firefox since 2006. People can use what they like, but it does ache me inside seeing someone use Chrome, logged in with the yellow “Update” icon at the top right, an unholy trinity.

      • @plutolink
        211 months ago

        Thank you for reminding me of Librewolf, I haven’t brought myself to install it yet. I wanted to move my profile over, too, though I’m unsure how seamless that would be (it’s worked with other forks I’ve tried, so maybe it’s easy).

        • @DRS_GME
          211 months ago

          No worries. To be honest, I haven’t tried it. I just saved my bookmarks, uBlock filters, NoScript settings, and then imported it all in. I’m definitely going to try to create a profile in the future to, hopefully, make that process a little easier. haha