• @Sethayy
    27 days ago

    Same as Walmart killing off every ma and pa shop is their fault, they lowbid the competition solely because they’re able to with their monopolization, solution being actual competition in the industry.

    Can’t help but feel your goal posts are sentient with how much they’re moving.

    • @iAmTheTot
      16 days ago

      I’m not sure how my goalposts could be moving when I’m not even sure I placed any at all. Do you have any ideas to solve this monopoly you see YouTube having?

      • @Sethayy
        16 days ago

        I guess thats a good example, when have I claimed to have a solution?

        Im just saying they have a monopoly, but if I could scale up to YouTube size economically, I’d probably be doing it instead of arguing about it online

        • @iAmTheTot
          16 days ago

          No, you did not claim to have a solution. I was asking you if you had one, but you ignored the question completely, so I asked it again.