
  • Senator Bum Cuckets
    181 year ago

    Oh god, I shouldn’t have looked. Their idea of free speech is posting obvious propaganda and shitting on minorities. Classic

    • @[email protected]
      81 year ago

      Tbf, maybe a shitstorm of racist rants will make advertisers pull their ads, and start a bunch of bad press.

      Maybe /r/conservative were playing 4D chess all along.

      • @StateParkMasturbator
        51 year ago

        Or they’ll start a prayer circle in hopes that a benevolent billionaire will buy it and remove the site wide rules so they can really wallow in their own filth. Which is more likely considering their version of 4D chess is flipping the board and making claims of actually being the winner.

      • @sugar_in_your_tea
        01 year ago

        They’ll just get the subreddit banned. I highly doubt Reddit admins want to bother fixing smaller subreddits when most people use the bigger subs.

    • @[email protected]
      71 year ago

      Free speech on r/conservative does not include dissent. Celebrate terribleness, or it’s the ban-hammer.