• @mindbleach
    24 days ago

    If I tell you to fuck yourself with a rake, which ideas am I challenging?

    Sometimes people say shit that’s just awful. There’s not some grand philosophical debate to be had. They’re acting badly and being called out on it. Don’t treat a blanket term for their miserable behavior into a fnord you’ll automatically judge as positive and one-sided.

      • @mindbleach
        24 days ago

        I’m not getting baited into finding out this instance’s boundaries, just to prove mere insults can extend beyond what you consider tolerable. You know damn well there are words that would cut you. Most of them aren’t challenging anything besides basic human decency. I could guess your cultural background, and politely describe an alarming variety of archaic prejudices, phrased artfully to wind up anyone who’s not feigning indifference to avoid admitting they were simply wrong.

        There are probably people out there who think you should not be allowed to vote, or breed, or live.

        When those assholes express these beliefs, calling them assholes and demanding they fuck right off with that shit is not somehow a contradiction. It is not any definition of conservative. It’s having standards. It’s what led you to comment with confusion about your nonsense definitions - the response to this article challenged what you think “offensive” means, and you refused to just look it up and check.

        • @[email protected]
          14 days ago

          I’m a leftist, I’m not going to get offended by insults

          I might not like you for it but I’m not going to be offended (see other comment)

          • @mindbleach
            14 days ago

            Your understanding of left and right is total fucking nonsense.

            You don’t even know what being offended means. If I say some rude shit, and you find that morally objectionable… that’s what offense is. Look it up and check. If the things I tell you make you think less of me as a person, or cause you to label me a douchebag, or just annoy you to the point you stop listening, that’s what being offended is, genius.

            It doesn’t mean you’re less open to having your mind opened or whateverthefuck hippie horseshit you think makes you an anarchist. It doesn’t mean my vulgar condemnation of your whole deal was a meaningful criticism. It also doesn’t mean my vulgar condemnation of your whole deal wasn’t a meaningful criticism. I’ve said some blunt shit to people that they desperately needed to hear. Case in point.

            Calling awful shit awful is not what being conservative means, and if you cannot refute that notion beyond repeating your conclusions, then what you’re doing is trolling and you need to fucking stop.

            • @[email protected]
              04 days ago

              Go and call me a faggot, it seems you want to

              It matters not to me because I will just see you as someone whom calls other’s faggots

              • @mindbleach
                14 days ago

                If the things I tell you make you think less of me as a person, or cause you to label me a douchebag, or just annoy you to the point you stop listening, that’s what being offended is, genius.

                • @[email protected]
                  4 days ago

                  No being offended is a feeling of anger or resentment; frustration

                  It’s an emotional response

                  • @mindbleach
                    14 days ago

                    Or simply being likely to provoke protest. Like maybe you have unkind labels for people who you think are liable to throw slurs at you for no reason. As I have unkind labels based on the myriad grammatical fuckups in “someone whom calls other’s” anything.

                    Being zen about assholes doesn’t mean they aren’t assholes. A performatively casual ‘yep, they’re assholes’ does not change how they are, in your estimation, being assholes. Your estimation of ‘what an asshole’ is what offense is.

                    It doesn’t have a god-damn thing to do with conservatism, or liberalism, or the left-right divide. Nor does the left-right divide have anything to do with challenging ideas or tolerating criticism. What I am writing right now is what a challenge to your ideas looks like. Not lobbing slurs. Being offended over slurs - however dryly your offense emerges - is not somehow conservative. It’s having a moral standard that does not endorse overt bigotry.

                    I invite you to claim that’s all there is to leftism, on any .ml instance, and get torn to fucking shreds.