• @[email protected]
    -202 months ago

    Unfortunately, it looks like Trump is headed for a landslide unless something significant happens within the next few weeks. Buckle up!

      • @[email protected]
        -132 months ago

        Or is this naive optimism? We HOPE he isn’t, but all signs indicate OP of this comment is correct. Don’t bury your head in the sand. Recognize the reality and keep fighting to turn it around. And definitely DO NOT join in the gaslighting bullshit. Biden didn’t just “have a bad debate night”. He’s senile and has dementia… Don’t try to pretend he doesn’t. Stick to the fact that at least with him we’ll get a not batshit insane cabinet, and at least the government will be fighting against the fascists in the upcoming civil war, instead of fighting with them.

        • @[email protected]
          2 months ago

          I hope you learn to appreciate the irony of burying your head in the sand while you tell others not to bury their heads in the sand. Reality is exactly what I recognize.

          Fear feeding fear. Stop it.

        • @[email protected]
          52 months ago

          Current polls show Trump gained a slight advantage after the disaster of a debate. Most voters don’t seem to be supporting Biden, so much as not supporting Trump. So it’s still a stupidly close race. Not to mention current polling is based on turnout from 2020 with some educated guesses, that have all undercounted Dem votes in every election since then.

          The outlook isn’t good, but Trump is further from win than is immediately obvious.

      • @[email protected]
        -42 months ago

        All of us were always going to vote… Let’s be honest. But that’s not going to be enough. Biden needs millions of young progressives to turn up and vote for him, but to get them to do that, he’s going to need to start meeting them halfway, instead of continuing to meet Republicans/fascists halfway.

        • @[email protected]
          62 months ago

          If they choose the vote for trump with more steps by not voting blue, I hold them fully accountable. Sorry.

        • @[email protected]
          32 months ago

          Because it couldn’t possibly be that we ALL need to compromise to make this work. Biden, as far as I’m concerned, did in fact meet us at least part way. Not even close to where I’d want but not nothing either. And in doing so probably alienated more conservative voters. So they didn’t get everything they wanted and neither did we. But in the process we all got some of what what we wanted.

          If “kids these days” can’t figure out that democracy is fundamentally a compromise in which nobody is 100% happy then truly we’re fucked.

          • @[email protected]
            32 months ago

            When did megacorps, billionaires and insider trading political dynasties ever have to compromise?

            • @[email protected]
              32 months ago

              When did megacorps, billionaires and insider trading political dynasties ever have to compromise?

              For starters, some random examples would include state minimum wage laws, environmental regulations (e.g. banning drilling in the arctic, banning certain chemicals, etc), and labor protections generally.

              • @[email protected]
                02 months ago

                You see, when most people think of “compromise”, they think of meeting halfway… When liberals and their corporate owners think of “compromise” they think “I give an inch, you give a mile”

                Young people still have some fight in them (and they’re brains are still working on understanding long term consequences), so often times they see their great grandpa pacifying the rich and mostly ignoring them and they think, fuck that, I’d rather fight.

                • @[email protected]
                  32 months ago

                  Which would be great if “fight” meant “run for office and vote”. But really it means “shake fists angrily and complain online”.

                  Go ahead folks, downvote me. But you know it’s true and the date supports it.

                  • @[email protected]
                    02 months ago

                    Eh… Bernie got a shit ton of them out fighting for real… They just need a leader to fight for

          • @[email protected]
            12 months ago

            The people Biden needs to turn up, aren’t paying attention. They’re not not showing up because they’re pissed. They’re not going to show up because nothing about politics has caught their attention. They show up when something excites them. Dems know that, but still keep going for the least exciting candidates they can find. That’s on the DNC and Biden.

            • @[email protected]
              32 months ago

              They’re not going to show up because nothing about politics has caught their attention.

              I mean I can somewhat relate. When I don’t get chocolate ice cream and only vanilla is offered I also get pissed and refuse to eat any ice cream at all.

              • @[email protected]
                -12 months ago

                Especially if you were promised ice cream the last 4 times you agreed to come to the party, and once again you’re being told “sorry, all the ice cream is for the Nazis. Best we can do for you is this cone full of dog shit. What do you mean you’re leaving? Don’t you know YOU’LL be the one letting the Nazis win?? How dare you not take this cone of shit and be happy!”

                • @[email protected]
                  12 months ago

                  what is shit for you? Is your comfortable home not large enough? Is your TV only 65" instead of 75"? Is your car older than you’d like? Did you have to eat rice and beans more than once a month?

                  • @[email protected]
                    02 months ago

                    Shit for me is every 4 years being told “just vote for us this time and we’ll fix the election system so this doesn’t keep happening,” and then not even attempting to fix it… But yes all that other stuff too I guess

        • @[email protected]
          22 months ago

          One is a cult of press-stamped NPCs, the other is a massively varied collection of people that want everything their way or they are taking their ball and going home. It is a rough position to be in when your party has to cover “everyone that isn’t a conservative”…it’s a huge majority of people to gather up under one umbrella.

        • @[email protected]
          22 months ago

          Are you easily discouraged? Do you stamp your feet an yell when you don’t get 100% your way, 100% of the time? Or do you recognize that other people exist and have different needs and wants?

          • @[email protected]
            02 months ago

            It’s a fact that Democrats and progressives don’t show up as consistently to vote as conservatives. It’s just not part of the culture like it is for conservatives.

            Trump is a convicted felon and it does not make a difference for his voters. Biden has a bad debate and Democrats are fleeing left and right. That’s how you lose elections.

    • @[email protected]
      32 months ago

      Not according to anything I have seen. He is slightly ahead in the polls by less than half the margin of error of said polls (which are rarely accurate, but more of a weathervain)…so…