One of multiple live bullets found on the set of “Rust” by investigators of the 2021 fatal shooting was discovered in the bandolier of actor Jensen Ackles, according to crime scene technician Marissa Poppell.

Poppell disclosed the detail while on the stand during the second day of testimony in the involuntary manslaughter trial of actor Alec Baldwin, nearly three years after cinematographer Halyna Hutchins was fatally shot on the New Mexico set of the Western film.

Asked about the live rounds of ammunition that were discovered on set, Poppell said investigators found some on a prop cart, in a box of ammo and also in two prop gun holsters — the one worn by Alec Baldwin and another worn by co-star Ackles.

  • @[email protected]
    112 months ago

    Again, I point out that parents of children who killed/died aren’t being held to the same level of responsibility.

    • @[email protected]
      232 months ago

      They should be. Is that your point? That they should be, because I think any sane person would agree.

      If you’re arguing that the responsible parties in this incident shouldn’t be prosecuted because another person is getting away with manslaughter… well that’s a bit silly isn’t it?

      I can’t tell what your intentions are, because nuance is hard via text

      • modifier
        142 months ago

        Not to derail but I just want to say that this is an impeccably crafted and balanced comment.

      • @[email protected]
        02 months ago

        My point is that this is a selective prosecution. Either treat Baldwin like the parents, or treat the parents like Baldwin. Laws should be applied fairly.

        • @[email protected]
          142 months ago

          Yeah the legal system is not a just system.

          That being said, usually the prosecutorial imbalance is against the weak and powerless. In this case, a man with more power, money, and influence than most of us will ever see in a lifetime is being held responsible for cutting corners. Can you imagine if Boeing execs were actually held accountable? Or Chase/BoA/Wells Fargo et. al.? It rarely happens.

          Is it unjust that the protection is selective? Yes. In the balance, I’d rather the scales be weighted against the powerful, rather than how it normally is.

          • @[email protected]
            -52 months ago

            Comparing Baldwin to Boeing is like comparing your local deli to McDonalds.

            He’s got a net worth of $70 million. He’s been a successful actor for decades, but he’s nowhere near being a billionaire.

            • @[email protected]
              62 months ago

              That’s just taking the comparison in bad faith. It’s not about net worth, it’s about their power and responsibility. Who’s at fault for Boeing’s planes failing? The execs cutting corners to maximize profits or the minimum wage employees just doing what they’re told?

              • @[email protected]
                -22 months ago

                Pretty sure that the person who put live bullets in the weapons was told not to put live bullets in the weapons.

            • @[email protected]
              32 months ago

              You seem weirdly invested in Alec Baldwin’s well-being. I don’t think there’s anything productive left to be said about this, so I’ll wish you peace, and long life

          • @[email protected]
            -42 months ago

            If a cop lets everyone break the speed limit, and then targets the one driver with a ACAB bumper sticker, now the cop is doing his job?

            • @[email protected]
              52 months ago

              Has this prosecutor been in charge of prosecuting any of the other shootings you’re referencing?

              • @[email protected]
                -12 months ago

                2 of 2

                The manslaughter trial against Alec Baldwin over the fatal shooting of Rust cinematographer Halyna Hutchins has been dismissed. Judge Mary Marlowe Sommer threw out the case over how police and prosecutors treated a handful of bullets, which they failed to turn over to the defence.

                “The state is highly culpable for its failure to provide discovery to the defendant,” Judge Sommer said. “Dismissal with prejudice is warranted.” The dismissal came as a surprise as gasps were said to be heard in the courtroom and Baldwin was congratulated by his family and supporter

              • @[email protected]
                -22 months ago

                Wrong question.

                What you should be asking is ‘Were there any shootings in their jurisdiction that didn’t get prosecuted?’

    • @[email protected]
      92 months ago

      Yes they should be, now leave the non sequitur discussion derailing nonsense at the door and stay on topic. Parents being irresponsible dumbasses has nothing to do with a film exec directing his crew to cut safety corners to save a quick buck.

      • @[email protected]
        02 months ago

        2 of 2

        The manslaughter trial against Alec Baldwin over the fatal shooting of Rust cinematographer Halyna Hutchins has been dismissed. Judge Mary Marlowe Sommer threw out the case over how police and prosecutors treated a handful of bullets, which they failed to turn over to the defence.

        “The state is highly culpable for its failure to provide discovery to the defendant,” Judge Sommer said. “Dismissal with prejudice is warranted.” The dismissal came as a surprise as gasps were said to be heard in the courtroom and Baldwin was congratulated by his family and supporter

      • @[email protected]
        -22 months ago

        Sounds like you agree with my point that this is a selective prosecution and that plenty of folks who did worse skated.

        • @[email protected]
          52 months ago

          All prosecution is selective. Parents do get prosecuted for the death of their children. People get arrested for participating in peaceful protests while neonazis march in the streets. People speed past cops as they’re pulling someone else over. Unless you want to live in a world where a cop watches your every move and locks you away without trial, it’s impossible to prosecute every single crime that happens.

          • @[email protected]
            -12 months ago

            2 of 2

            The manslaughter trial against Alec Baldwin over the fatal shooting of Rust cinematographer Halyna Hutchins has been dismissed. Judge Mary Marlowe Sommer threw out the case over how police and prosecutors treated a handful of bullets, which they failed to turn over to the defence.

            “The state is highly culpable for its failure to provide discovery to the defendant,” Judge Sommer said. “Dismissal with prejudice is warranted.” The dismissal came as a surprise as gasps were said to be heard in the courtroom and Baldwin was congratulated by his family and supporter

        • @[email protected]
          2 months ago

          Fuck off, stop arguing in bad faith, it’s patently clear to everyone in this thread you’re arguing in bad faith.

          Did you read anything I commented or are you going to strut around like a pigeon on a chessboard arguing a nonsequitur nobody was arguing and everyone already broadly agrees with?

          Agreeing that parents should be prosecuted for improperly storing firearms around children, which sidenote a simple fucking google search shows that parents often are prosecuted for improperly storing firearms but they’re not famous actor and producer Alec Baldwin so it doesn’t make national news, is not agreeing to the idea of not prosecute Alec Baldwin for directing his crew to cut corners in safety protocols.

    • @[email protected]
      82 months ago

      It sounds like you are saying that unless we prosecute EVERY OTHER case on this issue, we should just forget about it?

      • @[email protected]
        -102 months ago

        It sounds like you are agreeing with me that this is a case of selective prosecution.

        We might have actually saved some kids’ lives if we’d thrown a few negligent parents in jail.

        • @[email protected]
          102 months ago

          No. Different people are responsible for bringing those other cases to trial. I agree that those other cases should be tried but that’s a terrible argument for not prosecuting this one.

      • @[email protected]
        -92 months ago

        Many other people seem to find it relevant.

        Please explain why the selective nature of the prosecution isn’t relevant.

    • @[email protected]
      52 months ago

      If a worker dies in a factory line while following instructions, we would all agree that owners of the factory should be held responsible. I don’t see why that concept is so difficult to grasp here and so many people are trying to defend Alec Balwdin. The filming set is a workplace and someone died through no fault of their own, but rather by the conditions set by the owners of this production. There were complaints on set about the safety conditions before this incident happened and it seems that nothing was done to mitigate it. Everyone is trying to throw the armorer under the bus, but she was hired and vetted by management, and even after complaints nothing was changed.

      • @[email protected]
        -52 months ago

        First, that’s not the situation. The boss isn’t responsible if a second worker creates a dangerous situation without the owner’s knowledge or consent.

        Be that as it may, I’m not defending Baldwin; I’m pointing out that a lot of people with much more personal responsibility don’t get in trouble when toddlers kill.

        • @[email protected]
          2 months ago

          dangerous situation without the owner’s knowledge or consent.

          As I mentioned in my last comment, concerns were raised about safety on set before Baldwin shot someone. So knowledge was there.

          And yes nobody disagrees, a toddler shooting themselves in the face from a parent’s unsecured gun should definitely be punishable

    • @[email protected]
      42 months ago

      It was somewhat the same with smoking. We were able to ban smoking from workplaces decades ago by virtue of worker protections and the known health impact. However even today your kid’s lungs have no such protection