• @[email protected]OP
    2 months ago

    Biden has recommended a lot of best practices that would be an improvement of they were implemented, but he hasn’t even tried to make them a requirement and he’s simultaneously signed off on a ton of new unconditional funding for police departments, and he’s bragged about doing this and campaigned on it.

    And, like, I shouldn’t have to explain this but just to make it very clear - cops lie all the time, and they brutalize and kill people for no good reason all the time, and Biden’s out here doing PR work for them and giving them more capacity to harass and brutalize and kill people. And I’m still going to vote for him, and I tell other people to too, but I can’t stop thinking about how things have gotten so fucking bad in this country that I’m voting for the party and candidate who will kill me and my friends more slowly. It’s not sustainable.

    • mozz
      2 months ago

      He’s made them a requirement for federal cops, which are the ones under his control, and also stopped some policies (transferring military equipment to local police) that were actively a bad thing for local departments.

      His budgets included, along with increased funding, a good amount of funding for programs for non-police intervention and other things the ACLU thought were good ideas. I can’t find the ACLU page that explains their whole mixed review - because it also includes their criticism for the stuff you’re talking about - but even being a hawk for the police in general, he’s been doing some amount of lefty stuff as well, not just talking about it.