One of the easiest ways to help the planet might come from…human waste. 💩

Natural gas is a commonly used fossil fuel. The secret? Natural gas is mostly just methane; the same gas created from human waste.

In fact, toilets exploding can absolutely happen, which is why bringing a candle into an outhouse is a very bad idea. Some places even put this to use, such as using sewers to fuel street lamps(called sewer gas destructor lamps), which have the duel-purpose cutting down on smells and dangerous gas buildups

(Image Source)

There’s also more 💩 can do for us. For example…

  • ⚡️Generate power (use the methane to replace natural gas).
  • 🚗 Create fuel for vehicles
  • 🔥 Create fuel for gas burners
  • 🌱 Create compost (biosolids from the sewage treatment/methane plants) to help with phosphorus mining shortages

These options could greatly help with the transition from fossil fuels, and provide incentives for all cities to stop dumping raw sewage(yes, many places still do this).

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  • Captain Aggravated
    8 months ago

    Methane is a worse greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide, so it’s better to burn it. It’s also better to burn the methane that is going to be released from sewage anyway and leave fossil fuel gas trapped in the Earth’s crust.