I’m interested to see what lemmy thinks of this, I honestly haven’t kept track of the potential options.

  • Andy
    2 months ago

    Pete needs to go mayor some more. He had a few good ideas during the primary, but as Transportation Secretary I’m astounded at his lack of ambition.

    There are a handful of administration officials – Lina Khan first among them – who’ve learned to use their power assertively to make changes to broken systems. And Pete… he seems like he just pops up when another piece of infrastructure breaks to let us know that he’s on it. Maybe he’s doing something more, but if so he’s doing it very, very quietly.

    • @[email protected]
      22 months ago

      This was sort of my impression to. Like I loosely liked him, but couldn’t really tell you what he’s directly responsible for. Which isn’t a bad thing on its own and doesn’t mean he wasnt doing a good job, just that I don’t know much about him.