👀Russian D-30 howitzer with anti-drone screen and dynamic tank protection. Dynamic protection, in essence, is blocks of plastic that explode towards the cumulative stream of anti-tank ammunition and deflect it to the side. Placing this protection on anything other than the powerful armor of a tank is fraught with even greater damage to the “protected” object. Published by Balu.



As the gifts went on, they began to suspect us of something 🤔

  • @[email protected]
    92 months ago

    i was just about to post this….
    yep, just cover everything with explosive reactive armor and watch it self destruct….

    also, wouldn’t that just be it’s weakness anyways? just make small caliber bullets designed to set it off…

      • @[email protected]
        32 months ago

        i’m not a… even kinda qualified to speculate on this….

        but i mean if a sniper shot some explosive reactive armor with tiny exploding bullets, the armor should blow up and damage whatever it’s attached to….

        it’s against geneva conventions to shoot people with exploding bullets… but not other stuff….

        it’s probably completely dumb but it makes sense to me so far….

        • @[email protected]
          32 months ago

          No, the explosive is too insensitive. It does not simply blow up on the first chance. It needs a strong initiation like from a HEAT jet or APFSDS, both not only larger but also much faster than a bullet (much higher energy input). Which is also why you can put them next to each other without getting a chain reaction when one goes off.