• @sugar_in_your_tea
    2 months ago

    We did that. My spouse speaks native Korean, I speak Tagalog as a second language (English native), and our kids only know English. I think Tagalog is quite useless so I haven’t bothered teaching them, but my spouse has no excuse. I speak a little German, but not enough to teach them, just enough to curse while driving.

    I’ve resorted to learning Spanish with my kids, which is at least useful, but I’m sure I’m teaching the wrong.

    • don
      130 days ago

      You never know, they might find out you speak Tagalog and, wanting to have learned another language, wonder why you never bothered to teach them. What you consider to be useless might be very intriguing to them.

      • @sugar_in_your_tea
        130 days ago

        Eh, I’ve told them, but they don’t seem to care. I teach them a few words here and there, but they seem much more interested in Spanish because our neighbors are hispanic.

        • don
          130 days ago

          Okay then, at least you made the effort.