[EDIT2] (at top to make sure visibility) All good, as explained in one of the posts. I shouldn’t expect pressure regulator to work directly at faucet. (Use tee or splitter) Here is video https://youtu.be/gp4aquT19LA

[Just started looking into drip irrigation] I’m using rainbird 25PSI pressure regulator along with pressure guage. (https://www.amazon.com/Rain-Bird-HT07525PSI-Irrigation-Regulator/dp/B0049C5FZA)

Pressure guage measures about 70PSI without regulator (directly at garden faucet), however this doesn’t really change even after using pressure regulator.

Am I misunderstanding pressure regulator? or is guauge/regulator broken?

[EDIT] Here is what I’m talking about (in both cases it reads about 60PSI):

  • RvTV95XBeo
    7 months ago

    Think of the pressure gauge like a valve, if the hose is running, turning it up and down increases/decreases the pressure drop across the valve, and by extension, the flow.

    If you plug the end of the hose so nothing is flowing, turning up and down the valve does nothing to the pressure in the plugged line

    There are more advanced pressure regulators that aren’t as dependent on flow, but this is not one of them.