Hi there. I need to use my phone for work, but want to isolate anything that is work related. What’s the recommended way of doing so these days? Found the Foss app called Shelter, but found it to be a bit buggy and seems to have been a while since previous update. Let me know about any tips or recommendations regarding this! 🙌

  • Wave
    1 month ago

    I dont see it being legal (at least in the US) that work can take your personal property. I had a whole battle with my previous employer over this with the Union being on my side. If you installed a program that belongs to them it can be uninstalled and then it is gone.

    • Zoot
      1 month ago

      If your phone contains company material they absolutely can and will. Including the US. You were only lucky because you had a union that was on your side. The vast majority of Americans are not in a union and would not be afforded this luxury.

      Speaking of, it was actually my Union jobs that allowed me to demand a work specific phone. If I was in your position I would have demanded they give me a work phone if it required a work app

    • @RvTV95XBeo
      11 month ago

      With at-will employment, it could be grounds for termination in many instances if you refuse

      • Wave
        21 month ago

        As a person who cares deeply about my own personal privacy and property I’d rather be terminated. I’d rather make my life harder and possibly go homeless than give up my rights or property. I know thats not what most people would prefer to do though.