I live a relatively active life but I struggle with eating too much. I feel like there is no diminishing returns when I eat something. Each chip tastes just as good as the last one. So I will be craving food but know it’s not healthy for me to eat more. I’m trying to find ways to ignore that feeling or dismiss it.

Are there any tips or methods you use to help with that? Impulse control is the hardest thing to work on sometimes.

  • douxfroufrou
    2 年前

    I totally get what you mean. It seems like we should be able to eat carbs without problems. But for some of us, carbs seem to interact badly with one or more systems related to cravings/satiety, digestion, metabolism, energy storage/release. And then limiting carbs seems to really help. Especially insulin resistance/diabetes issues seem to respond well.

    Perhaps it’s genetic? I remember both my parents bingeing. Or there’s been some kind of damage or exposure over time: High fructose corn syrup? Micro-plastics? Endocrine-disrupting chemicals? Who knows.