• @zarkanian
    1 month ago

    Well, this happened to a 6-year-old. It’s rough reading:

    His opisthotonus worsened, and he developed autonomic instability (hypertension, tachycardia, and body temperatures of 97.0°F–104.9°F [36.1°C–40.5°C]). He was treated with multiple continuous intravenous medication infusions to control his pain and blood pressure, and with neuromuscular blockade to manage his muscle spasms. A tracheostomy was placed on hospital day 5 for prolonged ventilator support. Starting on hospital day 35, the patient tolerated a 5-day wean from neuromuscular blockade. On day 44, his ventilator support was discontinued, and he tolerated sips of clear liquids. On day 47, he was transferred to the intermediate care unit. Three days later, he walked 20 feet with assistance. On day 54, his tracheostomy was removed, and 3 days later, he was transferred to a rehabilitation center for 17 days.

    The boy required 57 days of inpatient acute care, including 47 days in the intensive care unit. The inpatient charges totaled $811,929 (excluding air transportation, inpatient rehabilitation, and ambulatory follow-up costs). One month after inpatient rehabilitation, he returned to all normal activities, including running and bicycling. Despite extensive review of the risks and benefits of tetanus vaccination by physicians, the family declined the second dose of DTaP and any other recommended immunizations.

    • @[email protected]
      911 month ago

      espite extensive review of the risks and benefits of tetanus vaccination by physicians, the family declined the second dose of DTaP and any other recommended immunizations.

      God fucking damn it how the fuck are people this dumb?!

      • cheesepotatoes
        1 month ago

        Phrased differently: When the family was offered a choice between a provenly effective solution (which they themselves witnessed) or another roll of the dice, they emphatically said “roll the dice baby! My child’s life on red!”

        So unbelievably stupid.

        • @zarkanian
          251 month ago

          Stupid or sadistic, and I’m leaning towards sadistic. There are people who enjoy watching their children suffer, and they justify it by saying “Suffering builds character”. Or maybe it’s God’s plan. If God wants you to get sick, then you’ll get sick. You shouldn’t get vaccinated, because then you’re interfering with God’s plans!

          I had somebody like this in my family.

      • @zarkanian
        321 month ago

        This isn’t dumb. This is psychotic.

      • @[email protected]
        291 month ago

        I feel like the family should be liable, and the child taken to a family that’s not dangerously stupid.

      • @[email protected]
        191 month ago

        Honestly, if a health insurance provider finds out you’re antivax, they should have every right to drop you as a customer. It’s just too much risk on the insurance company’s part.

        Or hell, the insurance companies could start tracking outbreaks to sue the antivaxers for damages. Because the antivaxers are intentionally putting others in harms way, which is increasing costs to the insurance companies.

      • cheesepotatoes
        101 month ago

        I feel like that kid’s life is hard enough without adding in abject poverty.

        • @[email protected]
          121 month ago

          I like how you think those craptastic excuses for parents are ever gonna pay a dime of that bill.