A shocking photo depicting the dismembered body of a Ukrainian prisoner of war has appeared online. The photo shows separated body parts, including the head, arms and legs, which is a gross violation of the Geneva Convention and international humanitarian law.

Dmytro Lubinets, the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights, urgently appealed to the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and the United Nations (UN) to record this crime and launch an international investigation. According to international humanitarian law, prisoners of war must be protected from physical injury, violence and killing, and any violations of these norms must be held accountable.

“This is not just a violation of the Geneva Convention, it is horrific and inhumane behavior,” emphasized Lubinets. “Prisoners of war are in the hands of an enemy state, and this state is responsible for their treatment. In this case, the responsibility lies not only with Russian soldiers, but also with Russia itself.”