• @[email protected]
    1891 month ago

    Tim Walz is the dad and grandpa that Rush and Rupert stole from us. He’s the family we lost when their personalities changed seemingly overnight.

    If the right wing funded rage machine never existed, we would have had millions like him. They’ve broken so many families.

      • @[email protected]
        1 month ago

        It should be illegal to present entertainment as news and opinion as fact to a global audience. There should be real life jail time (not fines that are only for the poor) for the business owners

        When a society in the future figures this out, the world will be a better place.

        • @merc
          -81 month ago

          Who gets to decide what’s fact?

            • @merc
              -111 month ago

              Whatever Newsmax thinks is evidence?

            • @merc
              21 month ago

              Consensus? So when Newsmax fact checking says something isn’t true, you can’t achieve consensus?

              Look, the problem is that there’s no way to do this where you don’t run into problems.

              If you say it’s a government agency that does the fact checking, then you run the risk that one of the parties messes with that government agency so that the facts always favor its side. If you leave it to private companies, then there’s nothing to stop highly partisan companies from claiming to be fact checkers. If you say the courts can decide, you have a problem when the courts are biased. If you have an elected council of fact checkers chosen by popular vote, you’re relying on voters having enough knowledge and integrity to select unbiased fact checkers.

              • AbsentBird
                31 month ago

                Does newsmax have a fact checker? There’s only so much you can bend when it comes to matters of fact. If one checker is routinely inaccurate it should be removed from the set.

                • @merc
                  11 month ago

                  There’s only so much you can bend when it comes to matters of fact.

                  I think you’re in for a big surprise.

                  If one checker is routinely inaccurate it should be removed from the set.

                  Routinely inaccurate based on what? Fact checking? Newsmax fact checking says it is 100% accurate in all the facts it has checked, but that Snopes and Politifact only hit 60% accuracy, therefore Snopes and Politifact should be removed from the set.

                  • AbsentBird
                    1 month ago

                    Newsmax doesn’t have a fact checker, but in a hypothetical situation where they did: most facts that get checked come to the same conclusions.

                    Trump did not have the largest inauguration crowd in history, it’s easily observed by looking at photos of the event compared to other inaugurations. Every fact checker agrees on that fact. If there were a rogue fact checker that regularly went against clearly evident fact in favor of a political narrative, it would lose credibility and be removed from the set of rigorous fact checkers.

          • @[email protected]
            1 month ago

            Hopefully not our current supreme court, because that’s where any rehashed version of the fairness doctrine would undoubtably end up. And from the purely originalist stance that this court would obviously take, it is a pretty cut-and-dry first amendment issue.

            There’s also the point that truths and facts are two totally different yet related things. Truths are the subjective interpretations of objective facts.

            Two people can experience the exact same thing and have a wildly different telling of the exact same events. Neither are necessarily untruthful, but through the omission or inclusion of various facts and context, hell even tone, the truth can be told wildly different ways.

            This is quite obvious when watching different news networks cover the exact same event.

            • @[email protected]
              41 month ago

              the purely originalist stance that this court

              I’m not disagreeing, but I don’t want them getting credit they don’t deserve.

              They sure weren’t very originalist when they made the president a king

      • @[email protected]
        201 month ago


        Fox giving “news” while legally not being news has led to crimes, that’s a fact. Maybe prosecutor Kamala could go for a bite but damn it’d be nice to have the news be true again

        • @[email protected]
          41 month ago

          The “fairness doctrine” didn’t prevent news from being crazy entertainment. Watch the 1975 movie “Network”. Faye Dunaway runs part of a TV network that tries (among other things) to present videos from a terrorist organization as a weekly program. It was ridiculous, but plausible at the time.

      • Fubber Nuckin'
        31 month ago

        I’d really like this, but I’d also be worried about it becoming a 1984 “ministry of Truth” so to speak if the Republicans gained enough power.

          • @merc
            31 month ago

            What makes a fact checking organization independent? Could Fox News be checked by independent organization Fox Checking? What about by Newsmax Fact Checking?

              • @merc
                11 month ago

                Like what? A site declares itself to be a fact checker, and some people believe it, while others don’t?

        • @zarkanian
          11 month ago

          It used to work better when we had the Fairness Doctrine, and it didn’t turn into the Ministry of Truth.

    • @[email protected]
      461 month ago

      My grandpa was an Army mook from 50s-70s, dude spent literally his entire time working on vehicles to fight the USSR while we had a third party fight in Korea and Vietnam.

      Hearing this man suddenly defend Trump and the red caps hurts my heart. They say don’t meet your heroes but goddamn watching one turn into a cult member is worse.