• Captain Aggravated
    7 months ago

    I turned 18 shortly after W was elected the second time. I went to the DMV for a couple things, 1 to get my teenage provisional license renewed to a full on adult license, and 2 to add my motorcycle endorsement. I’ll never forget what the woman at the DMV said to me: “Okay, we’ll just register you for Selective Service here…would you like to register to vote?”

    Dated a girl for 6 months long about 2013, she was one of those who went to an all-girls school, majored in a foreign language, spends her time reading YA novels from the library, no desire for a social life, her mother introduced us. One day I say to her “something something politics voting” and she says “Oh I’m not really that interested in politics, I’m not even registered to vote.” And I told her the above story, and she says “Selective…Service…?” She had no idea that the US still maintains the draft database. Wonder what else that all-girls school didn’t teach her about life in this country. Last I saw her, shortly before I deleted my facebook account, she was liking and sharing posts from Hilary’s campaign.