I’m thinking of getting a new laptop which uses Coreboot. The reason is that I’m into FOSS and would also like to not have IME installed. Currently I’m looking at Starlabs’ Starbook, which can optionally be bought with Coreboot.

Can anyone help me evaluate it? I would likely use Debian 12 as my OS.

Many thanks

  • Steamymoomilk
    7 months ago

    T440P + libreboot + gentoo, user here Libre boot works great. i had to flash it to my laptop using a raspi. For almost all linux distros it works great. The only i have had problems with booting is haiku and vanilla OS orchid. The screen res borks and super small and duplicated, So i cant install Vanilla OS. and haiku at the moment doesnt support sea bios.

    Other than those 2 use cases, its been perfect. For alot of distro trying/hoping