• grizzledgrizzly
    1 year ago

    I like to play the game where we switch out “trans” with another group like “black” or “Jewish” and then see how it sounds … oops - sounds like they’re coming for every group that isn’t white, neurotypical, & CIS. When they’re done with the physical discrimination they’ll come for the Muslim and Jewish people and the non-Protestants, and then after they round up all the “dissidents” it will only be a certain kind of religious denomination allowed. It’s similar to the start of Nazi Germany and any other fascist regime.

    • @PeterGintz
      21 year ago

      “Them” vs “Us” makes it easier to point fingers and never accept responsibility. And apparently it’s easier to find a “them” than take a serious look in the mirror.

      • grizzledgrizzly
        21 year ago

        Catholics are going to realize real fast they chose poorly with Trump. He really loves the Southern Baptist mentality. Catholics think they are getting one thing but that’s a short-sighted alliance. These people have no idea what they really face.