• @Aurenkin
    523 days ago

    You expect people just believe that shit? Damn. Impressively wrong on both sides of the analogy.

      • @BakedGoods
        223 days ago

        In reality (which you tankie dumbfucks seem to live very far away from) Taiwan is a country and not part of China. It really doesn’t matter what lip-service other nations have given China in the past in order to access their vast slave labour force. Once that ends, China will be back to doing what they do best, starving and mass murder of their own citizens.

          • @Aurenkin
            123 days ago

            You’re just anti-china with no logic behind it because you’re told to be anti-china.

            And there it is.

            I was here, in this country when the CCP fired rockets over the heads of me and my family because the country I live in had a fucking visitor they didn’t like.

            So fuck right off with your condescending bullshit telling people what they think and why they think the way they do. You have no idea.

              • @Aurenkin
                23 days ago

                It was reported internationally and I had family from overseas asking about what was going on. I’m talking about the ballistic missile strikes in the oceans surrounding around Taiwan when we had a visitor from the US come over.

                You are dishonest and morally fucking reprehensible that you would play coy and talk shit about something like this when it’s proven that your assertion about what other people believe is just plain arrogant and wrong.

                I hope you grow out of this contrarian phase and feel an appropriate amount of shame that you’re willing to forgo having any principles for the sake of playing contrarian online.

                I’m sorry to say that for me is not an option as I’m here, living in Taiwan in the real world.

                Grow up.

                  • @Aurenkin
                    123 days ago

                    Nobody was hurt therefore it’s ok. As I said, morally reprehensible and no principles. Apparently we can add complete lack of introspection to that list as well.