• Captain Aggravated
    -3227 days ago

    Women like to be chased. It’s an ego boost for them, they like the attention.

    Women also hate indicating consent. They like consent, but they hate indicating it. Because if she never says yes she can have you arrested for sexual assault/rape/whatever. Women LOVE hurting people if they have bad feelings and that’s a great way to hurt people, they won’t give that up for ANYTHING.

    They want to be chased, so they don’t say yes because that would end the chase. They don’t want to imply consent to continue to chase, so they don’t say things like “not yet” or “you’ll have to do better than that.” That would give up their “ruin this man’s life on a whim for free” card. So they say no. Man says “okay have a nice night” and walks away forever. Woman posts video on Tiktok asking where all the good men have gone.

    • @[email protected]
      2727 days ago

      There’s a clue to the problem with your analysis:

      Women like

      Women also

      They like

      They want

      They hate

      They don’t

      Do you see it? You’re referring to roughly half our entire species, 3-4 billion people, as though they are all a single unit with singular preferences. Try seeing humans as humans, it’s pretty wild your first time out.

      • Captain Aggravated
        -2227 days ago

        I’ve been fed that line a lot. “Every single woman is a completely unique snowflake that cannot be compared to any other person, place or thing.”

        Sure. /s it is completely invalid to address tendencies in women’s collective behavior. /s. It’s not like women are massively effected by trends or peer pressure to conform to their in-group or anything. /s. This line totally isn’t an intellectually dishonest non-argument designed to shut down any discussion you don’t like without valid rebuttal. /s

        • @[email protected]
          1527 days ago

          So if I find one woman who disagrees with your claim (“women hate indicating consent”), you’ll concede your argument is faulty? Because I’ve known several.

          If you modify your argument to “Some women…” then that’s slightly more defensible , but not really meaningful because there’s all sorts of people. You could probably find someone who believes anything.

          If you want to say “most women” then you’re going to need to show your work.

          • Captain Aggravated
            -2027 days ago

            No I don’t because only the Sith deal in absolutes. You obviously have nothing of value to say other than pedantic bitching about your own inability to grasp generalizations. Goodbye.

            • @[email protected]
              1427 days ago

              Well you certainly lived up to your name.

              And storming off is certainly one way to deal with people questioning if your generalizations have any validity, but I don’t think it’s the best way.

            • @[email protected]
              627 days ago

              You’re insufferable.

              your own inability to grasp generalizations

              You are the one incapable of grasping generalizations and their meaning apparently. Maybe don’t use them if you don’t understand them?

        • @[email protected]
          1327 days ago

          Oh, I see! You don’t understand yet that everyone else is an individual just like you are. Don’t worry little buddy, you’ll get there - just a few hundred million more years of evolution. I’m rooting for you!

          • Captain Aggravated
            -1927 days ago

            Condescension, attacks on my person, I still haven’t heard any actual rebuttal. Other than “You said ‘women’ plural so nothing you ever say can possibly be correct” do you have anything to say about what I’ve said?

            • LustyArgonianMana
              527 days ago

              Would you read a book or two? There’s “Delusions for Gender” by Cordelia Fine and “Sex, Lies, and Bran Scans”, both of which talk about gender, sex, and brains and how humans in general all think alike. We are more alike than we are different.

    • @Heliumfart
      1527 days ago

      The fuck are you talking about?

      • Captain Aggravated
        -1927 days ago

        Quoting the image in the original post, apparently made by a person with a woman’s picture as their avatar:

        Do you notice that men are no longer persuasive? Once they ask you out on a date and you say No. That’s it 😑

        This implies she wants men to continue persuing her after she’s said no. This is not a unique sentiment from women; I have seen many women making Tiktok videos saying basically this. “Why aren’t men approaching women anymore?” “Where have all the men gone?” “Why am I not being asked out?” “Why did he take me seriously when I said no?” Why do you think they’re like this?

          • Captain Aggravated
            -1727 days ago
            1. I specifically said this isn’t the first or only time I’ve seen this sentiment expressed so I’m not extrapolating from a sample size of one, you are a dishonest person, and
            2. You’re not the only person this hour to pull this “AHA! You said ‘women’, plural, which means nothing you ever say can be correct, QED” bullshit. Do they teach that in gender studies class or something?
            • LustyArgonianMana
              27 days ago

              It makes sense you’d have to ask what they teach in a gender studies class. You definitely strike me as someone who hasn’t seen a college campus. Too many women there, right? And as the queen pickme, you’d feel too inadequate.

              • Captain Aggravated
                -627 days ago

                I went to college for five years majoring in Aeronautics and Aviation Maintenance. We had actual things to study.

                • LustyArgonianMana
                  627 days ago

                  You actually can’t comment on whether Gender studies is a worthwhile subject, because you’ve never taken it. It’s like your opinion on nuclear engineering - laughable, unfounded. And btw, at my engineering college, we all were required to take Gender studies because it is worthwhile, and literal 18 year olds did better understanding these basic concepts than you.

                  • Captain Aggravated
                    -727 days ago

                    Female supremacy indoctrination is worth no one’s time. It should be illegal to teach.

                • @[email protected]
                  326 days ago

                  Extrapolating from recent Boeing stories, aeronautics and aviation maintenance majors aren’t even very good at aeronautics and aviation maintenance, so what value can they add to any other conversations?

    • @[email protected]
      1327 days ago

      Bro is having a paranoid episode. lol. Went from “Society has changed” to some incel-level shit real fast. XD