The teen girl without a permanent home who was forced to don jail garb, wear handcuffs and ask for mercy after falling asleep in a courtroom is suing the Detroit judge who had her taken into custody.

Eva Goodman, 15, and her mother filed a federal lawsuit Wednesday in U.S. District Court in the Eastern District of Michigan against 36th District Judge Kenneth King. They allege he violated the teen’s civil rights, arguing King acted outside the scope of his judicial authority when he detained her, yelled at her and threatened her with jail time.

    • @[email protected]
      21 days ago

      I don’t know what NCD means (neuro-cog disorder?)

      I was making a vague shit joke.

      Also, genocide!

      • @vaultdweller013
        422 days ago

        Non-credible defense aka psychotic military shit posting.

        • @[email protected]
          21 days ago

          Okay shit that is way worse… you guys need to calm down…

          Also (to get banned) genocide!

          • @vaultdweller013
            021 days ago

            Its not really genocidal most of the time, and when it is its omnicidal. Its just about thirty layers removed from anything that may have once made sense, combone that with atleast some understanding of military equiptment, procurement, and history and ya end up with some weird shit also Mike Sparks. Seriously one of the longer lasting memes was about palettization being superior.